4 sisters in japan

We are going to Japan. For reals!


Dorama review: Why I hate romance dramas but love Long Vacation

Note: A dorama or j-dorama is a Japanese TV series, usually 9–11 45-minute episodes. Long Vacation is a renzoku ren’ai, a romantic drama. It is not my favorite dorama, but I wanted to write about it for this blog because of the title. All names are in the Japanese order, family name first.

Yep, I’ve got a heart of stone. Ordinary romantic movies and dramas bore me to tears. As soon as I see the opening credits, I know that the characters played by the top-billed actor and actress will end up together, either after a tedious hour and a half or, in case of dramas, a tedious ten hours or so. Asian romantic dramas, particularly Korean ones, are some of the worst offenders. The action, and I use that term broadly, revolves around four main characters:

– main boy, a rich, insufferable jerk
– main girl, a poor, insufferable idiot
– other boy, smart, nice, good looking, well mannered, in love with the main girl
– other girl, a rich, insufferable bitch, usually the main boy’s ex-girlfriend Continue reading