4 sisters in japan

We are going to Japan. For reals!

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Edible cats — only in Japan


So here is a trend I don’t understand. A while back DJ Magda sent me a picture that combined two of my favorite things: cats and sushi. Stupid me, until now I’ve been enjoying those two pleasures separately, perhaps because anytime I try to nibble on my cat, all I get is a mouthful of fur.  But these delicious pictures have me intrigued. Perhaps it’s something to try during the trip next year. Check out this illuminating article for more information and the official site for more pictures.

I would think that it was an isolated incident, had I not stumbled on this bizarre cartoon. Apparently there is an entire manga devoted to Donyatsu, donut-shaped cats that haunt a post-apocalyptic Shinjuku district. This is a deeply philosophical manga that strives to answer such existential questions as:  “who are these creatures?”, “how did they get here?”, “why are they shaped like donuts?”, “what happened to all the people?”. I love that one of them is a green tea donut. Check out the insanity below. Sadly there aren’t any subtitles, but are they really needed? Again, thanks to Twitch, keeping me informed of all things bizarre and wonderful in the world of cinema and beyond.